Role of mechanical stimulus in mast cell activation

Digital Medicine 10(1):e23-00014, March 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/DM-2023-00014

Li, Hantao; Guo, Ziwei; Xiangdong, Qi (Department of Plastic and Aesthetic, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China)


Mast cells play a critical role in allergic reactions and other types of inflammatory diseases. There is circumstantial evidence from preclinical approaches that suggest the involvement of mast cells in the development of various diseases. However, the mediator of mast cell accumulation and proliferation in these diseases remains unknown. Studies of mast cell activation have primarily focused on IgE-mediated mast cell-dependent anaphylaxis. Recently, several studies implied the link between mast cell activation and mechanical stimulus. On the surface, mast cells express several mechanoreceptors, such as TRPV2 and ADGRE2, to access external mechanical force. Mechanosensitive cells, including neurons and epithelial cells, secrete inflammatory cytokines to activate mast cells when countering scratching or trauma. Integrin-mediated pathways that sense mechanical properties will migrate mast cells to areas with stiffness variations. In this review, we discuss the evidence linking mechanical stimulus to mast cell activation.

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