Patient Diagnostic Journey of Systemic Mastocytosis in Europe: Results From the PRISM Survey

Presented at the European Hematology Association, June 13–16, 2024, Madrid, Spain

Deepti H Radia, Jess Hobart, Iván Alvarez-Twose, Cristina B Livideanu, Franziska Ruëff, Amélie Beaux, Celeste C Finnerty, Nicole Hegmann, Eugenia Ribada, Waltraud Schinhofen, Coralie Gressier-Sayag, Dakota Powell, Teresa Green, Massimo Triggiani, and Ruben Mesa


Systemic mastocytosis (SM) is a clonal mast cell disease primarily driven by the KIT D816V mutation and characterized by unpredictable and debilitating skin, gastrointestinal, and systemic symptoms that can affect quality of life1,2 • The Perceptions Realities and Insights on Systemic Mastocytosis (PRISM) survey study sought to understand the experiences of patients with SM as well as gain perspectives from healthcare providers (HCPs) treating SM in Europe • Data from PRISM on both patient and HCP experiences of SM diagnosis are reported


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Mastopedia moderates information on Mastocytosis, Urticaria Pigmentosa, Mast Cell Activation Disorder / Syndrome, Idiopathic Anaphylaxis and related disorders.
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